In the current track, we saw an incident that is common to every indian household. How often do we face the problem of the mithaiwala giving us old sweets. Using this small everyday incident, they built a small and interesting track. Kudos to them for not only observing such small daily events, but also for making them dramatic and interesting to watch. I am sure, the TRPs wont fall and the marketing department of Star Plus will still be happy to continue their rishta with them. Also the audience is able to identify with these simple incidents of life and this is one reason why even after 2 years the show still remains one of the flagship shows for the channel.
Also the show deserves an applause for tonnes of emotional scenes which are very important for keeping a daily show running. The show has a feel of a typical happy happy Rajshri film where they play with small emotions in the life of a normal Indian. Like their films, the show also has the situation and time making life of Akshara difficult. Unlike other shows, the characters are more realistic and you wont find any overly dresses female playing the vamp. And i think we need to give them a bigger hand for keeping these elements intact even after 2 years. (while most shows after 2 years run out of story and become like any other show, this show still strives to be the same)
Though the show has its set of critics who keep ripping it apart as a sugar coated pill, we know that a show has to run and be high on TRP charts. So as long as they are doing well, who cares what the f**k have the critics to say.
I just hope the show remains the way it is. And this rishta goes on for many more years to come.
rahul nice writing ,,,keep it up